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A Pata Talukdar's life is a war: Victory, not defeat, is the last word of a struggling man

Leaves talukdar full name Nilufar Yasmin, resident of Char Shivpur on Yamuna. Today we will know about Pata Talukdar's life battle. By knowing the history of a man's struggling life from the front, the way the feeling or the presence of emotions worked at that moment, I may not be able to highlight the point of true emotions in this writing.


Pata's father died when Pata was in class fib. Patara is a total of five brothers and sisters. With two daughters and three sons, Pata's mother was running the family in the absence of her husband. However, Patar's mother was trying to make her children read since that time. So he used to work from house to house. On the one hand, the cost of education of five boys and girls and family expenses, on the other hand Patar's elder brother suddenly left his studies and took up the work of a mason. At that time Pata's mother was forced to marry her two daughters due to scarcity. She was only 14 years old at the time of Pata's marriage.

Although Pata's mother was forced to marry off her two daughters, at that time she took word from her daughter-in-law that her daughters would continue their education after marriage. As a result, both Pata and her sister continued to study alongside the family from their husband's house. Pata and her sister walked about an hour and a half to school every day. This is how Pata's elder sister once struggled HSC After passing, he took a job in the local Grameen Bank.

This is not the end of the hard time in the life of the page. God may have had a different plan. Pata's sister gave birth to a girl child and died in a road accident in Bogra on her way home from the hospital a day later. Pata's mother and sister's infant child were seriously injured in the same incident. At this time another new chapter comes in the life of Pata Talukdar. The responsibility of the entire family falls on Pata's shoulders. Pata was forced to pass SSC and taught mathematics and English to various children in the area. Boys and girls study with Pata for different classes with different fees. For example, students of class 4 paid 100 taka, students of class 5 150 and students of 6, 7, 8 paid 300 taka for maths and English private lessons.

Through tuition, Pata takes care of all the family's expenses, including the education expenses of herself and her two brothers. In this way the Pataras go forward with indomitable enthusiasm without abandoning their education due to their lack. Among Patar's two brothers, the one who is older than Patar has already passed B.Sc. Pat's younger brother has passed HSC. Pata is currently studying in first year of BA in Political Science. In the meantime Pata came to know that the NGO in his area is accepting applications for the position of trainer. Pata applied there and got the job, although the salary was only Rs 1500 per month, Pata said she was enjoying her work.

Pata started giving various agricultural advice to the common people of the village on behalf of the NGO, through which the common farmers of the remote areas got ideas about planting the right crops in the right land, at the right time. Pata considers this work very necessary for the common people and Pata feels pregnant for involving herself in this work.

Patta's future plans are to become a government employee. Pata's dream is to participate in the BCS examination and serve the country by doing government jobs. However, Pata never gave up in the battle of life in various ups and downs in life. He always kept his morale intact and proceeded with conviction.

The five-year-old Pata's daughter may be able to push herself forward in the future by seeing how her mother walked the path of her dreams, avoiding the struggles and obstacles of her life.

This is just the life story of a page from Bangladesh. There are many such leaves scattered in talukdar in Bangladesh. History of Bangladesh Struggle History People of Bangladesh are also advancing themselves far by struggling in the battle of life. And those who are losing their way, in constant struggle against hostile life and nature, some people like Talukdar are giving them the motivation to move forward. Belief in self and will power, not defeat but victory is the last thing of a struggling man.

Thank you:Rubaiyat Sarwar

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