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Again Taslima Nasreen: but a little exceptional - the news of cancer risk

The Dhaka Times Desk News of Taslima Nasreen has spread again. But this time the news is a little different. Not a new scandal news. This time the news is the news of Taslima Nasreen suffering from cancer. This news has been available in various media for the past few days.

taslima nasrin

It has been reported that Bangladeshi controversial writer Taslima Nasreen fell ill and sought medical help in the United States. Taslima Nasreen herself said on Twitter that she is afraid of cancer. Taslima Nasreen said the same to her close friends in New York last Saturday.

Taslima Nasneen wrote on Twitter that she went to a New York hospital for treatment on May 6 due to a cough for several days. There, after examining her lungs, doctors examined her breasts. Doctors found a tumor in her breast. The tumor has spread to about an inch. After that, his 'biopsy' was done. The biopsy report is scheduled to be given on Monday. What actually happened to him depends on the 'biopsy' report. Taslima Nasreen is haunted by the fear of the same problem in her own case due to the death of her mother due to cancer and the fact that a brother is currently undergoing cancer treatment in New York.

It is to be noted that this controversial writer Taslima Nasreen, along with 'Shame', caused a nationwide storm of controversy due to several of her writings. In such a situation in 1994, the fundamentalists forced him to leave the country. He has been living abroad for a long time. Recently, he created an extreme controversy by acting openly in an Indian TV series. He arrived in New York from New Delhi a week ago.

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