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Everything is possible if you want: Egyptian Ibrahim Hamadtu plays table tennis without hands! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Everything is possible if you want. Ibrahim Hamadtu of Egypt proved it. He doesn't have two hands, yet he plays table tennis without his hands - quite naturally!

the hands & table tennis Game

This story of playing table tennis without hands is now a hot topic in the world's news media. Ibrahim Hamadtu of Egypt. He doesn't have two hands. But what happened to it - there is desire. And nothing is impossible if there is will. Ibrahim Hamadtu proved it.

When Ibrahim Hamadtu was 10 years old, he had to be amputated in a train accident. And if there is no hand, what else does he have? Can walk with feet. But the work has to be done by hand. But Ibrahim Hamadtu did not heed the unspoken rule of fate. He took training to play with his mouth. Conquered an infinite impossibility of this world. He is now proficient in table tennis! Who loses him now? But one cannot help but be enthralled by his sloppy play. There are very few people in the world who show bravery. Ignoring the normal rules of the world, Ibrahim Hamadtu became interested in playing table tennis from an early age. At one time Soyal became.

Watch the video of Ibrahim Hamadtur playing table tennis! You might not believe it if you didn't see it

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