Categories: recipe

[Recipe: Mango Pickle] Sweet Pickle of Raw Mango

The Dhaka Times Desk We can pickle our favorite food with raw mango and keep it at home for years.

Rules for making mango pickle:


  • # Dried Raw Mango 5 kg
  • # sugar is one and a half to two kg
  • # is like salt to taste
  • # Mustard Oil 250 g
  • # mustard paste 4 tbsp
  • # garlic paste 2 tbsp
  • # ginger paste 1 tbsp
  • # turmeric powder 1 tbsp
  • # pickle masala 2 tbsp
  • # dry chilies 4/5 t
  • # Vinegar/Vinegar 1 cup
  • the method

    # After washing the raw mangoes well, remove the pulp and cut into 4 pieces. Drain the water from the mangoes.

    # First stir in mustard oil with dry chillies and pickle masala in a large pan.

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    # Then stir ginger paste, garlic paste, turmeric powder and salt one by one and grind masala.

    # Now pour sugar and vinegar with mango pieces and mix well with masala. Keep the stove on normal heat. Stir occasionally.

    # After 10-15 minutes, if the pickle thickens, reduce the heat and stir frequently so that it does not stick.

    # Thus complete ritual will take 30-35 minutes.

    Storage: Keep pickles in a large plate to cool. Then the pickles should be kept in glass jars and exposed to the sun occasionally. This way you can enjoy pickles throughout the year.

    Photo: Courtesy of udrajirannaghor

    Great taste!

    Mango Pickle

    Raw mango sweet pickle

    • the taste


    This post was last modified on January 29, 2024 4:16 pm

    Bipasha Rahman

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