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10 important factors related to women's hormones

The Dhaka Times Desk Ladies, you are very health conscious. Do whatever is necessary to maintain health. But still, something seems to be wrong. Even after complying with so much, things are not going as you want them to. Can't figure out where the problem is. This is our effort to solve your problem.


This problem is mainly due to abnormal hormones. They affect everything from your mood, weight, energy capacity. The question is what is hormone? Hormones are some biological substances that control various functions of the body. So to keep health and mind perfectly, you have to understand yourself first. Here I mean, you should have a clear idea about your hormones.

Here are 10 important facts about women's hormones…

1. Medicines will not solve your problems
Medicines are used for various common problems in women such as premenstrual problems, acne, heavy flow or frequent mood swings. But the problem is that drugs suppress these problems initially. So it reappears after a few days. In order to solve the problems, we need to know about the root of them. Diet and lifestyle factors should be investigated.

2. Hormones are your friend, not your enemy
The right balance of hormones can give you glowing skin, healthy weight, cheerful mood and more energy. Besides these will increase your creativity and ambition. So know your hormones. Find out what time of the month they trouble you mentally and physically and take appropriate action. Remember, acting against hormones will not control them. Rather, they should be worked with. It's like, you understand them, they understand you.


3. Premenstrual problems
If this problem always occurs, it is not normal. Premenstrual problems such as mood swings, acne and other problems at certain times of the month are not due to normal causes. This is mainly because your estrogen and progesterone levels are out of balance. Therefore, a small change in your diet will solve the problem.

4. Calm hormones require moderate amounts of fat
Maybe you hate fat enough to diet. But they need moderate amounts of fat to maintain normal hormone development and normal functioning. Without fat they cannot function properly which is not good for you at all.

5. Diet can improve fertility
Women constantly face problems in childbearing and delivery. This is because of not having proper diet. If there is a possibility of having children in the future, then proper and moderate eating habits should be developed from now. This will keep the hormones at the right level to make reproduction safer and better.


6. Daily nutrition should be ensured to prevent acidity
Abnormal activity of various hormones causes many problems including acidity due to excess acid secretion. A proper diet can prevent such abnormal hormonal problems and eliminate excess acidity.

7. Hormonal imbalances are caused by nutritional problems
In order to maintain the proper functioning of the hormones, the proper nutritional quality must be maintained in the body. Otherwise the hormonal action will go against you.

8. Understand hormonal patterns, don't go against them
A 28-day cycle regularly organizes some changes. Some of them are normal and some are abnormal. However, many of these things can be corrected by doing various physical exercises. Again, fun is also removed through various festivals. So understand the symptoms and take action.

9. Digestive and excretory functions are related to hormones
Digestion and excretion are organized with the direct help of hormones. So it is important to keep the hormones normal to keep them right.

10. Hormones that regulate arousal
Arousal sometimes turns into anger and sometimes into happiness due to different functions of hormones. So normal regulation of hormones will bring happiness in your life.

Source: mindbodygreen

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