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Breathtaking thrill can be found looking down from zero at a height of thousands of feet!

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of intrepid Chicago visitors climb Chicago's newest attraction for a 1,000-foot view of the city below. Tilt is the 94th floor of the John Hancock Tower at 360 Chicago. From where this breathtaking thrilling feeling is derived.


Through the tilt, visitors can see the outer city in a different sense. It is a steel platform surrounded by glass. Travelers need to fork over $5 to get this feeling. Eight visitors can ride on this platform at a time. The steel platform of the tent gradually rises upwards and at a height of 1000 feet it stands in a bent position. As a result visitors get a different feeling.


Patrick Abisor Is one of the owners of this 360 Chicago tower Hancock. He is currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of this organization. "We have tried to give visitors a different experience while riding it so that it stays in their memories," he said of the tent. Telt is a new innovation that will help you think in a new way. This institution has another branch. which provides such entertainment.


They have an observation deck in Paris, France. Its name is Montparces Tower Observation Deck. Moreover, Germany has the iconic Berliner Tower. Nicole Williamson is the general manager of 360 Chicago Tower. He rebuilt the John Hancock Observatory Tower. "Chicago is a pioneer in high-rise construction," he said. This place is called the birthplace of skyscrapers. Chicago has always been an architectural innovator.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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