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Where is the end of the universe?

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the research of scientists about the universe. All research is going on for ages. But still much remains unknown. Such a situation has been discussed again, where are the limits of the universe? Or is there at all? All such questions.

মহাবিশ্বের শেষ সীমানা কোথায়? 1

We all have a question at some point in our minds, what if we ever reach the end of the universe? Where would our head be if we stood on the edge of the abyss and bowed our head to see what was below? Then the head is not within the boundaries of the universe? What will we find beyond the universe?

But the answer is very disappointing because we will never reach the end of the universe. The reason for this is not that it would take too long to go, although that is true, but the real reason is that if we were to go on and on in a straight line out of the universe for eternity, we would never reach the end of the universe. Rather, we are likely to return to where we started. And by then we might not have the motivation to try again.

Why can not reach? The reason is that space is strangely bent or twisted in accordance with Einstein's theory of relativity. Which is not possible for us to imagine properly. Simply put, the universe is vast and not floating inside an ever-expanding bubble. When we say that space is expanding it is actually wrong. According to renowned physicist and Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg, "The solar system or the stars are not expanding and space itself is not expanding but the stars (galaxies) are moving away from each other." The universe is boundless yet finite at the same time. Understanding this is a huge challenge for our intuition. Biologist JBS Haldane joked, "The universe is actually more unusual than we think, or even more unusual than we have the power to imagine."

An example can be used to explain the curvature of space. Suppose a person lives on a flat earth and has never seen a round object in his life. If he was brought to our world and released and he started walking to reach the end of our world, he would never find it. He may once again be back where he started. This will undoubtedly distract him. He will never understand how this is possible. We, too, are like those dumb plainsmen in higher dimensions of space.

There is no place in the universe where we can stand and say that this is its end, and there is no center where we can stand and say that this is the place where everything began or that this is the center of the universe.

For us, the universe is as far as light has traveled since the creation of the universe. This visible world, which we know or can talk about, extends over a million, million, million, million (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) miles. It may not be quantified.

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