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All the delicious foods that won't make your body fat

The Dhaka Times Desk Delicious food and fat are the names of fear for many people. Because they are afraid to eat delicious food as a result of which the body fat does not increase. But there are also some foods that, while delicious, will not make you gain body fat.


Today we will highlight some such food for the readers of The Dhaka Times.

1. Popcorn

If you are more concerned about body fat. But you need high-fiber foods. Experts say at least 25 to 35 grams of starchy foods can be eaten a day. Among these high-fiber foods is popcorn. You can eat popcorn without fear that it will not increase your body fat. But in this case try to avoid ghee fried popcorn.

2. dark chocolate


Dark chocolate contains monounsaturated fat. This type of fat is called good fat because it is the body's fat
Does not create excess fat. It is well known as a high antioxidant. As a result, those who are afraid of obesity can eat this chocolate without fear.

3. Barley food


Maybe you can't resist the temptation of a pancake or French toast for breakfast, but you're afraid that these foods will make you gain weight again. But you know what? These are high fiber foods. So you can eat this kind of food without any thought.

4. nuts

A combination of almonds with almonds or crunchy biscuits is a very tasty dish among the various dishes you prepare. It is a healthy snack. These types of foods help build the body's immune system.

5. Dairy products or yogurt


Yogurt is a healthy, delicious and nutritious food. It helps in increasing the efficiency of your stomach. Eliminates constipation and above all it does not cause body fat.

Apart from that, the foods that you can eat without fear must include different types of fruits. For example, let's say various fruits including apples, grapes, pears. But one of the best fruits is banana. It contains all vitamins and nutrients.

Reference: Mindbodydegree

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