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12,000 years old child's skull is going to reveal the early history of the Americans!

The Dhaka Times Desk What is the early history of the American nation? Where did Paleoamericans actually come from? No correct answer to these questions has been found so far. Scientists are claiming to have come close to this mystery with the help of the skull of a girl child recovered from Mexico.


In 2007, Mexico'sHoyo Negro' Searching about 200 feet below water in the cave brought back the skull of a human child and some animal skeletons. The 'Hoyo Negro' cave is usually a very old cave. There is not much traffic here. As a result, no one has searched here for a long time. A few adventurous swimmers brought these bones from the depths of the cave.


Learn more: 3,000-year-old skeleton recovered to explore the evolution of cancer!

After a long period of research on these, after different conclusions of various experts, it is assumed that the skull is actually a girl child and the child fell into the cave about 12 thousand years ago and drowned. Scientists named the skull 'Naia', and by examining the DNA of 'Naia', analysts found that 'Naia' is related to early American history. At the time Naia was the region between Russia and Alaska Beringia Native Americans emerged from

Learn more: The mystery of 200 human skeletons found in the 2000-year-old glacier!

Native Americans'PaleoamericansScientists think that Naia is able to give different ideas about '. Meanwhile, the researcher heads the team James Chatters Said, 'This research will give us an idea about the original tribe of the American nation. The most interesting thing is that Naia is a modern American citizen and her earlier tribe.Paleoamericans' placing a yoga formula in between. Because while Naia's DNA matches that of modern Americans, there has long been a big question mark as to whether the modern American race emerged at the time Naia was human."

But anyway, it's still a theory, too soon James Chatters And his team will be able to bring out the original and true history of the American nation in a practical sense.

Source: The TechJournal | NBC News

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