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Research says that Curiosity can leave bacteria on Mars in the wrong order!

The Dhaka Times Desk A question that may come to your mind is whether there are bacteria on Mars. The answer to this question will be yes from now on because Curiosity forgot to carry the bacteria with it! Research says so.


Bacteria are species that can survive in all environments. Whatever kind of environment they sustain their existence in is a hostile environment. There is no environment in the soil, in plants, in the bodies of animals, in the air where you cannot find bacteria. They can survive in all environments, from extreme temperatures, to oxygen-free environments. Although the Martian environment is not compatible with that of Earth, bacteria may survive there.


The question now is whether the bacteria Curiosity carried with it survived. The answer to this question is unknown - but this much can be said, just as bacteria survive in any kind of hostile environment, they should also survive on Mars. Meanwhile, the United States University of Idaho and NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab Unit have conducted separate research on this matter. They think that if these bacteria survive on Mars, they will be able to create an environment suitable for humans. According to the University of Idaho and NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab Unit, these bacteria can go to Mars in the astronaut's suit. But they are not sure. And even if these bacteria do go to Mars, scientists are not sure how much impact it will have on the Martian climate, because there are still many unknowns about Mars.

It should be noted that, although forgotten, this is the first example on Mars where a species of Earth has been established there, now let's see if these bacteria are able to develop themselves on Mars and create the initial conditions of an environment equal to Earth.

Reference: dance

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