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Potable water discovered on Mars

The Dhaka Times Desk Opportunity, a space vehicle sent by NASA A shocking news has been sent. The opportunity is like the first time on Mars Drinking water data found evidence. As part of NASA's Mars mission, the spacecraft landed on Mars in 2004. At various times the spacecraft transmits various information about Mars. This is the first time the spacecraft has sent evidence of the possibility of obtaining potable water naturally and chemically.


In April 2003 NASA Mars mission launches twin rovers. The two rovers are named Spirit (MER-A) and Opportunity (MER-B). Both rovers landed on Mars in January 2004 and performed their assigned tasks beautifully.

It took three years for Opportunity to reach the volcano named Endeavour. At one stage of site testing, small stones called esperances were found among the many. After seven tries, the alien was able to get into the right position to look inside the rock. Although rich in advanced technology Curiosity The rover does not have a chemistry lab opportunity. very common mining The vehicle was successful in demonstrating the feasibility of obtaining potable water. The vehicle is probing the rock. The stone transforms into a tear in non-acidic water.

Steve Squires of Cornell University, the chief scientist of the opportunity, said that you can drink this water. It is the strongest evidence of the natural chemical composition of water that has ever been found. The observation will provide scientists with many clues about the transition from warm to cold climates.

Meanwhile, Curiosity found evidence of water on Mars a long time ago. NASA claims that the area where Curiosity landed on Mars once had a stream of water. Curiosity landed in a crater on Mars. NASA scientists are excited after a photo of a rock fragment in the Mount Sharp area north of the crater reached Earth. Currently Curiosity Journey towards Mount Sharp Preparing.

References: The Tech Journal

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