Categories: Special article

Seven things you must teach your child for a healthy psyche

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone knows that children are the future of a nation. Beyond the future of the nation, each of them is a man of his own and a member of a family. Children get their basic basic education first from the family. Then comes their school ie socialization of children starts from family.

Family plays a primary role in shaping a child's psychology. So the family should have a special focus on teaching children. That is, a family should teach its children something that will strengthen its confidence. He should be raised in such a way that he is grateful to his society, to the country. Confidence and love for country makes a child's mind, mentality much more beautiful. Let's find out what to teach your little family member that will make him more confident and instill more love for country.

1. The first year of school is quite exciting for a child. Because the first level of socialization he enters is through school. You can't imagine the confidence it will instill in your child if you teach him to tie his shoelaces this time. Because think about the embarrassment he'll be in if he doesn't find you when his shoelaces come undone in the school play. But when he can tie his own shoelaces, he will develop a beautiful confidence that will help him face any situation in life.

2. As mentioned earlier the first year of school is very important for children. So go to school and observe whether the child is mixing with his classmates or behaving in a friendly manner with them. Encourage him to socialize with his classmates. Because of this friendly environment he will feel attracted to go to school and learn. Moreover, let him understand about the rules of the school, keep an eye on whether he is doing the school work regularly. These small actions will create his sense of responsibility towards the society. Don't put pressure on him whether he stands first or second in school. This will create a stress in him.

3. Let your child pack the school bag himself. You just make sure he's taking everything right. It will develop a well-rounded nature in him. If a toy is broken, do not scold and explain that it is not okay to spoil things in this way.

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4. Keep your child away from marital discord. This quarrel of yours will cause emotional bitterness in him. If the child sees it, both of them smile and reinterpret it.

5. Take your child with you when you go to a beggar or donate anywhere else. As a result, his mind will be generous, he will learn to love people.

6. Take your child with you on social occasions like weddings, milads. Show him different things. These will make him more social.

7. Ensure your child's participation in various national events like Language Day, Independence Day, Bengali New Year etc. Take him for a ride. Make these events of the country well known. Tell him about freedom fighters, language martyrs. His love for the country will increase. Also take him for a nature walk at least once a week. Introduce environment and nature.

It is your duty to create these feelings or responsibilities in your child. Because children learn from the environment around them, so the environment around them should be well presented by their parents.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৭, ২০১৪ 12:29 pm

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