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There will be no shadow in the Kaaba Sharif on Wednesday: the sun will be right in the middle of the Kaaba!

The Dhaka Times Desk A rare event is going to happen in Kaaba Sharif at noon on Wednesday! On this day at noon, the sun will be right in the middle of the Kaaba house, so there will be no shadow anywhere in the Kaaba Sharif, the Kaaba Sharif will be illuminated with full light.


NASA's Space Research Center had earlier announced that on Wednesday, the Holy City of Mecca will be at zero position along the Sun, just above the Kaaba. As the center of the sun rises directly above the Kaaba, no shadow of the Kaaba will be seen in the Kaaba Sharif at this time! Scientists said, at this time, the sun rotates north and south of the equator with an angular position of 23.5 degrees on the earth's axis. Thus it goes once to the Northern Hemisphere and once to the Southern Hemisphere. And twice a year on the way to and fro, the Holy Ka'bah is shadowless by standing directly above it.

Meanwhile, the Jeddah Astronomical Society said in a statement that the Sun will be on the same line with the Holy Kaaba Sharif in Mecca by noon on Wednesday, May 28. This time is 12:15 PM according to Makkah time. On this day, the sun will rise at 5:38 am.

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According to the International Space Research Organization NASA, the main reason behind such an event happening in the Kaaba is that the Kaaba Sharif will be surprisingly located between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer, as a result, the center of the sun will always be on the Kaaba due to the position of the sun between the two lines. There is no shadow in the entire Kaaba. Scientists call it zero shadow - and religiously it's a miracle or day of light.

Meanwhile, many people in Saudi Arabia are already flocking to the city of Mecca to witness the shadowless state of Kaaba Sharif with their own eyes. At this time, the sun will be in the middle of the sky and the direct rays of the sun will be much stronger and the ultraviolet rays scattered from the sun will be intense. As a result, local residents are forbidden to look at the sun with bare eyes.

Source: Eurasia ReviewArab News

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