The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Website Hacked Due To Pornography: Naila Naeem's Denial

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi hacker team claims to have hacked website and issued warning message to model Naila Naeem due to pornographic images. Cyber 71. However Naila Naeem Saying that the hacked website is not his.

Naila Nayem

Bangladeshi cyber hacker group Cyber71 claimed to have hacked the website of popular and criticized Bangladeshi model Naila Naeem. They claim that the website was hacked because of pornographic images. On the alleged website of model Naila Naeem It is seen that the hackers wrote to him with a warning message, “This is a warning message for you from Cyber 71. You ruined our reputation by posing in America's Playboy magazine in a state of complete depression. We hate to show that you are a Bengali in your actions. Aren't you ashamed to give away your honor like this for a little money and false fame? A few days ago you took a picture with 'Made in Bangladesh' written on your chest. The name of a country earned in return for many hardships is Bangladesh. You have no right to insult a prostitute like you by writing it on her chest. We are a civilized nation, no 'Sunny Leone' will be allowed to be born in Bangladesh like in India - still have time to correct yourself - or your mother's name will be deleted from cyberspace.;”

FireShot Screen Capture #025 - 'w00t__' - www_nailanayem_com_#sthash_lMoQDmrp_dpuf


Meanwhile Naila Naeem said through her own Facebook status that she is online Facebook ID, and Facebook page Except no other website or any other social media account. A circle is making such rumors to ruin its reputation. He will file a complaint with BTRC against these quarters.

full speech

Recently it has been observed that some unfamous people, facebook pages and online Bengali newspapers are trying to make themselves famous by using my fame. Since yesterday 30th May they have been spreading false information about me on Facebook and also some Bengali online newspapers that Naila Naeem has appeared nude on the cover of Playboy magazine, which is completely false and baseless. Besides, there is a propaganda going on that my website has also been hacked. The above propaganda is false, implying that from my status dated May 18, 2014 Whereas, as I said, I don't have a website of my own. Such wrong, false and baseless news is degrading me socially and in view of this I am thinking of taking legal action and appealing to BTRC. So I appeal to these infamous, mentally inferior people, Facebook pages and online newspapers to stop trying to make themselves famous by using my reputation, otherwise they themselves will become infamous.

Meanwhile, Naila Naim's web site The allegedly hacked site is now gone, the web site page now appears blank.

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