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Find out what causes dehydration in your body

The Dhaka Times Desk About 60 percent of our body is water. Therefore, when sweat or any other way reduces water from the body during summer, various physical problems occur. These problems arise due to disruption of the normal processes of the body. Let's know what causes dehydration in our body.

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1. Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the causes of dehydration. When the amount of sugar in the blood increases, the body urinates frequently to get rid of this excess sugar. As a result, a lot of water is removed from the body. As a result, symptoms such as thirst, dizziness etc. appear.

2. period

A lack of water occurs due to the effect of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the body during the period of girls. So during this time girls should drink more water than usual

3. Dieting


People who over-diet to lose weight and avoid carbohydrate-rich foods can suffer from dehydration. Carbohydrate foods contain more water than other foods. which is necessary for the body. But avoiding such foods as a result of dieting leads to water deficiency in the body.

4. stress


Stress can cause dehydration in the body. Excessive anxiety results in more sweating and urination than usual. As a result, water is removed from the body. People with low blood pressure may experience tremors or dizziness.

5. Special medicines


Sometimes some medicines can cause dehydration in the body. There are certain medications that cause excessive sweating or urination as a side effect. As a result, various physical symptoms appear. Chief among them is dehydration.

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