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Special powerful chips are being attached to the heads of American soldiers

The Dhaka Times Desk The US is developing a special kind of neural chip to monitor the state of mind and movements of soldiers. Before a particular mission, the army personnel spend time in an almost uncomfortable environment of stress, in which case this special neural chip will bring stability to them.


The Pentagon is working on this project jointly with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, at a cost of $12 million. The electrical engineering, electronics engineering and mechatronics departments of the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Lab and Meditronic Department are working together on this neural chip. The neural chip will be inserted into the brain. It then locates itself in the gray matter folds of the brain. By capturing the electrical signals of different mental states of the soldiers, the mental state, thoughts or current mental state of a moment later can be understood from it. The Pentagon says they will have a prototype of this chip in their hands within the next five years. As a result, it will be possible to improve the mental condition of the troops on the eve of combat situations or other specialized missions.


But a variety of human rights and anti-war groups say the chip is being developed by the Pentagon to avoid similar situations in the future as a result of the recent civilian activities of military personnel like Brading and Snowden. By doing this, the personality of the soldiers will be suppressed. Because they will have no separate thoughts. On the other hand, the Pentagon says that the Pentagon is thinking of making this chip to deal with post-traumatic disorders caused in the battlefield.

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