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Computer chip will control pregnancy from now on!

The Dhaka Times Desk Contraception will be done through computer chips. Although it may sound unbelievable, a group of scientists from the University of Massachusetts has announced the creation of such a chip. A report on this matter was published on BBC last Tuesday.


The new computer-controlled chip is implanted in the skin of a woman's body. Currently, through a test, it is known that the levonorgestrel hormone is now being released from this chip. In this way, this contraceptive hormone will be released in her body for about 16 years. However, with the help of a remote controlled device, this hormone release can be stopped. Researchers say that in the near future this chip will be linked to a central health database from which some hormones will be turned off at a certain time and others will be turned on. Microsoft CEO Bill Gates is one of the sponsors of this project. Starting next year, the chip will be delivered to various US hospitals for experimental use. And from 2018 it will be commercially produced and marketed.


The researchers say that inside the chip is a tiny nanoengine measuring 1.5 cm in size. This nanoengine regulates continuous levonorgestrel release for contraception. In fact, the hormone is inside it, through a small electric signal, 30 micrograms of the hormone spreads in the body. The researchers say it will be up to the individual to turn the chip on and off. Scientists are trying to ensure that the cost of this small nanoengine, ie this chip, can be kept within the reach of people.

Reference: BBC

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