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From now on the computer can be linked with the human brain!

Thanks to science, the world is moving forward at a breakneck speed

The Dhaka Times Desk Thanks to science, the world is moving forward at a breakneck speed. Various researches are taking people's quality of life from one place to another. Now such a discovery is the matter of connecting the computer with the human brain!

এখন থেকে কম্পিউটার মানুষের মস্তিষ্কের সঙ্গে যুক্ত করা যাবে! 1

Thanks to science, the world is moving forward at a breakneck speed. Various researches are taking people's quality of life from one place to another. Now such a discovery is the matter of connecting the computer with the human brain!

In a word, our home is a festival of discovery and activity going on in this world. The traditional idea that a son will grow up and earn money is changing day by day. Scientists such as Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin and Elon Musk are changing the entire structure of the world by using their surprising ideas. Elon Musk is one such man. Even if the key to change the fate of the world is in the hands of the heads of state of powerful countries, these side-heroes of the new day are becoming the sole rulers of the future world. New levels are being added through technological excellence at their hands. There is a touch of diversity in life and living.

Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk's startup Neuralink is now building high-bandwidth brain machines called interfaces. Which may have only been seen by the people of the world in a science fiction film. Through this, human brain and computer can be added very easily. Elon Musk's campaign for this company has never been seen much. Neuralink announced that we are hosting an event in San Francisco to celebrate how far we have come in the past two years. Some seats for this event were also reserved online.

Note that Neuralink made its debut as a medical research company in 2016. Many high-profile neuroscientists from various universities are employed by the organization for research. People of the world will be blessed through various researches.

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