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Scientists have created the human brain!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no stagnation in the research of scientists with everything in the world. This time, scientists have created the human brain.

Scientists have created the human brain

Scientists have been able to create a human brain in the laboratory for the first time. And that brain looks like an eraser in a pencil box.

Scientists have created the human brain-2

According to media reports, the human brain discovered has many similarities with the brain of a 5-week-old fetus. Scientists have claimed that 99 percent of the neurons that are supposed to be there are in the brain created in the laboratory.

Scientists have created the human brain-3

Because of this, scientists believe that many diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Artism will be known better and it will be possible to cure them easily. This small brain was created by a group of scientists from Ohio State University in the United States.

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Ohio State University professor Rene Anand said about the matter, 'We have been looking for ways to cure various complex diseases for a long time. It can be said that we have been able to form this brain as a result of that effort. I hope our purpose will be successful.'

A good aspect of this research is that many difficult diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Artism will be known better. Moreover, it is possible to cure these diseases very easily - this is what the scientists hope.


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