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Caution: Lead in lipstick reduces intelligence in women

The Dhaka Times Desk Lipstick is one of the modern women's makeup tools. Modern women cannot imagine their daily life without lipstick. But the bad news for those modern women is that lead used in lipstick can have a negative effect on women's intelligence.


Not only lipstick, lead or lead is used in all materials including lipstick, lip balm, lip gloss or lip liner in women's lip care. In fact, the main ingredient in lipstick or lip gloss is lead or lead sulfate compounds. And this lead is lead. Researchers say the lead in these lip balms can have harmful effects on intelligence, behavior and learning. A recent study found these facts. The researchers tested about 22 lipsticks and lipglosses from different well-known brands and published these data. About 12 of the different brands of lipsticks tested had higher than acceptable levels of lead. These high levels of lead have harmful effects on the human brain. And in this case the harmful effect of lipstick is more.


A group of researchers from Boston University in the United States conducted this research. Dr. Sean Palfrey, one of the leaders of the study, said that even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Moreover, its negative impact on the mental side is relatively more. Doctors forbid pregnant mothers to use lipstick considering the harmful side of lipstick. Because this effect of lipstick seriously hurts the unborn child. Chief Scientist of the Cosmetics Product Division, Halina Breslok, believes that if women are aware of various lip care products, including lipstick, they will reduce their use. But in this case they need to be aware.

But there is hope, as cosmetics experts say they are researching the fat or palm oil to create lipsticks or other ingredients without lead or chemicals.

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