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A lamp will burn for 40 days in one potato [Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk No one thought that potatoes could be used to light lamps. But researcher Rabinovitch thought. He claims that a single potato can light an LED (Light Emitting Diode) lamp for forty days.


Rabinovitch claims that potatoes are much more effective as an alternative fuel if they are actually used. There has been a lot of research on alternative energy in the world for a long time. After oil-gas-coal-uranium-plutonium etc., research is going on for a long time about what will be done to solve the energy crisis. Similarly, a research team Rabinovich and his colleagues. This professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem claims that there is enough energy in potatoes, and it is possible to use that energy to produce alternative energy.

According to the inventor, it is possible to charge mobile phones and light LED lamps using fuel from potatoes. He also said that in order to make a battery from organic matter, two different metal bars are needed first. One of which is called anode (negative) and the other is called cathode which is usually made of copper. It is possible to generate electricity by synthesizing acidic substances.


The same process can be used to generate electricity from the organic acids present in potatoes. In this regard, Alex Goldberg, a PhD student at the University of California, said, 'We have researched a total of twenty different varieties of potatoes. And we also observed reactions inside those potatoes, which help us understand the energy production process.'

The research team also claimed that if a battery circuit can be made with many potatoes, it is possible to supply electricity to a normal house for seven days. If this is indeed possible, the new era of biofuels is not long away.

formula- Optogen

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