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The world's first 'water house' was built in Hungary!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have heard of mud houses, brick houses, wooden houses and even glass houses. But we have never heard of a water house being built. This time, the world's first 'water house' was built in Hungary!


The world's first water house was built in Hungary. The 33-year-old Hungarian architect built the house based on an invention by Matias Gutai. According to media sources, this house built in the central area of Hungary has an area of 10 square meters.

Hungarian architect Matias Gutai has been working on the efficient use of water in architecture for the past 10 years. He conducted research for a long time and took the initiative to build a water house in a planned manner. He used 2 glasses on both sides in this house of water. After that, water flows several centimeters thick through the outer and inner glass surfaces. This architect designed not only the surrounding walls but also the floor and roof of the house in the same plan.

Its flow of water has created the same sensation as the water that covers 73 percent of the earth's surface. Gutai said that this has increased the comfort.

Architect Matthias Gutai's invention can be used successfully in any building with large glass walls - says Gutai.

The Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the University of Tokyo participated in building this water house. On the other hand, 67 percent of the cost of building this house was borne by the European Union. The amount of which is 1 lakh 53 thousand dollars. References:

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