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You can make orchid pots at home!

The Dhaka Times Desk Those who grow orchids know that orchids need full light for their roots. But most of the orchid pots available in the market are made of solid ceramic with no way for sunlight to penetrate. But you can make a clear glass or plastic orchid pot at home. Let's see how to make an orchid pot.


1. To make a clear glass or plastic orchid pot at home, you will first need an empty clear jelly jar. Or any other jar of similar size will do. Then you need a glass cutter. A type of small size glass cutter is available in the market. You will find this type of glass cutter at various electrical hardware stores. When purchasing your glass cutter, look carefully at the RPM on the package. Make sure that the rpm of your glass cutter is 15000 rpm. RPM is the unit of glass cutting power of glass cutter. Above 15000 it may overheat.


2. Use a glass cutter as large as possible to pierce the bottom of the glass jar. You can also drill holes in your glass jar with a drill machine, but there is a chance that the jar will break. And if it's not possible to get a glass cutter, get a hole punch from a hardware store. Now cut four holes in the bottom of the glass jar with a glass cutter. Drill a hole along the center of the bottom of the glass jar and three holes spaced around it. To keep the holes smooth while drilling, apply glass cutting oil every now and then. It will be easy to work with.


3. After making a hole in the glass, boil it in hot water for a while. Then clean it thoroughly with a dry cloth so that no water accumulates inside it. Now dry it in the sun. The orchid pot is finished.


Glass jars are better for orchid health than plastic cans. Because plastic cans are not transparent enough to let light in. And after planting the orchid in the pot, try to keep it as close to the light as possible.

Reference: Instructable

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