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The demand for old mobile sets is increasing again: technology has not completely subjugated people!

The Dhaka Times Desk Remember phones like Nokia 3310 and Motorola StarTech 130? Unbelievable but true, people's interest in such sets is increasing day by day. Due to which many mobile set manufacturing companies are planning to market this style of set again.


Once upon a time, mobile set manufacturing companies used to limit the set to only calling and messaging, along with a few other functions. After Apple and Samsung marketed advanced smart phones, the business of these companies boomed. Once the biggest company in the mobile phone business was Nokia of Finland. But unable to survive with smartphones, Nokia sold their handset division to Microsoft. Other mobile phone manufacturers have discontinued production of older models.

Many types of apps can be used through smart phones including all internet functions. It connects life with technology. But now many people want to stay away from these mechanisms. They want to use mobile phones only for communication purposes. Smart phones are complicated to operate and the battery drains quickly.


vintagemobile A website where used and old mobile phones are sold. Jassem Haddad has been running it since 2009. The business was not good initially, but the sales suddenly started increasing from last year. About 10,000 handsets have been sold through this website in the last three years, most of which were sold in 2013. A Nokia 8210 set with a very old single color screen and plastic buttons is listed for sale on the website, priced at €59.99. They also have a set of thousands of euros!

French online shop Lekki has several older models of mobile phones, including a 1998 Motorola StarTech 130 priced at €180. And they are selling another phone of Ericsson A2628 model for 80 euros.

According to Lecky's website, "So many social networks in the market, piles of e-mails and various applications have turned people into slaves of technology." Instead, Leaky offers a return to 'basic features'!”

Amidst the day-to-day modernization of smart phones and the competition, people's desire to go back to the basic features of communication is truly different. Technology may not have completely subjugated people!

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