The Dhaka Times
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Full Time Job Trap: Beware of Malaysian Student Visa!

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, some agencies in Bangladesh have been endangering the simple common people with the lure of full time work in the name of student visa in Malaysia. However, there is no opportunity to work full-time on a student visa in Malaysia.


In addition to studies, hundreds of students migrate to Malaysia because of this opportunity to get a full-time job. But, it is nothing but a big scam in the name of opportunity. This is what a news media has come up with In the report.

Basically, if foreigners come to study in Malaysia, they only have the opportunity to work part-time in addition to their studies. A student coming here on a valid student visa cannot work full-time anywhere. There are no full-time employment opportunities in the Malaysian education system.

Meanwhile, the job situation in Malaysia is not good now. If you work part-time here, they will give you a lot of work either at home or in a shop. At the end of the day you will have 20 to 40 Ringgit (maximum) daily, which is 500 to 1000 Bangladeshi Taka. In this way the monthly income is from 15 to 20 thousand taka; With which it is not possible for him to live and eat on his own.


Meanwhile, various agencies from Bangladesh and some unscrupulous Malaysian circles are tempting some simple people with full-time jobs and telling them that it is possible to earn 50 to 60 thousand taka per month. With which it is possible to send it to the country itself. The reality is quite different. Those who come here for full-time jobs are pretty much just cursing their luck.

If you come to study here, you will need to spend at least 4 lakh rupees for faculty. Plus you have living expenses. If you want to study properly, then this cost of 20 to 30 thousand per month should be taken from the family of your country. It is not possible to work and study here. Again you will not get time to study at the end of the day by working part time. Even getting a new year visa due to non-regular attendance in college is a lot of trouble.

In almost various media in Malaysia, there are reports about bringing students from Bangladesh by cheating, which is ruining the image of Bangladesh. Several brokers in Dhaka and Kuala Lumpur are harming them in this way through various propaganda campaigns. If action is not taken against these agencies that are growing in the country now, many more common people will lose everything without realizing it.
