The Dhaka Times
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Learn what to do about teeth and gum problems

The Dhaka Times Desk As the saying goes, no one understands the meaning of having teeth. But if you take care of your teeth on time then you will never have any problems with your teeth even after getting older.

Problems with teeth

Today some dental problems will be discussed before you. Find out how to solve dental and oral problems.

It is very important to maintain the health of the teeth and gums as well as the mouth. Because in order to keep a healthy body, you need to take care of your teeth. Neglecting the health of the teeth and mouth can never lead to disease.

Dos and don'ts in oral and dental care

# Brush every morning and night before bed. Brush the upper teeth from the top to the bottom teeth and from the bottom to the top and from the inside of the teeth.

Problems with teeth-2

# fluoride toothpaste

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