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BGB firing at Ishwardi station amid search on Maitri train: 5 injured

Ishwardi representative There was an attack between the BGB and the passengers during the search of the Maitri Express train at Ishwardi railway station. Meanwhile BGB blank shots rained down. At least 5 people were injured.


After the Kolkata-Dhaka Maitri Express train stopped at Ishwardi Railway Junction station around 3 pm on Tuesday, when the BGB started searching, the passengers got into an altercation. BGB members fired five rounds of blank fire to bring the situation under control. 5 people including one BGB member were injured.

According to the details of the incident, after the Kolkata-Dhaka Maitri Express train stopped at Ishwardi Railway Junction station, a team of 32 battalion of Kushtia BGB started a massive search to recover Indian illegal goods in that train. The passengers objected when the BGB members led by Major Mehdi Hasan started checking the bags and other goods of the passengers. Due to which the passengers began to quarrel. Which later turned into a clash. At this time the passengers started attacking with bricks and stones. BGB member Vijay was hit on the head by a stone in the clash. Besides Hasina (32), Shamsul (45) and Asma (30), a total of 5 people were injured.

Officer-in-charge (OC) of Ishwardi Railway Police Station Humayun Kabir has confirmed the incident of firing and injury of BGB members. He said that the BGB members were forced to go back without recovering any goods after conducting the search in the face of obstacles from the train passengers and the common people of the area.

It is to be noted that after getting information from Gopan sources, BGB came to know that Indian illegal goods are being brought in the Maitri Express train from Kolkata to Dhaka. Accordingly, after the train stopped at Ishwardi railway station, they started searching inside the train.

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