The Dhaka Times
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World Cup madness in space!

The Dhaka Times Desk The World Cup football has started, the whole world is enjoying the football festival. From all over the world, the World Cup frenzy has now spread to space as well.


Astronauts have sent greetings from the International Space Station on the occasion of the World Cup. Astronauts have also shown various manipulations with the ball in a zero-gravity environment. Normally there is no gravitational pull in space so everything floats there. But the astronauts with the ball in the floating state showed how to play the ball in the vacuum!

Astronauts have to spend busy time in scientific research. But no one wants to miss out on the joy of the World Cup. There are six astronauts on the International Space Station. One from Germany, two from USA, three from Russia. All three astronauts' countries have participated in this year's World Cup. Germany-United States in this group, the space station must be spreading the heat of the World Cup!

Meanwhile, in the video, German astronaut Alexander Grest was wearing Germany's World Cup jersey. And American colleague Reid Wiseman said to all the teams participating in the World Cup in Brazil, 'Enjoy, play with passion. We'll see you from the space station.'

Check out the video of the football game in zero-

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