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If you don't want to prolong the fight, avoid 5 words

The Dhaka Times Desk Not everyone keeps track of exactly what they are saying when arguing. Due to this, the quarrels become more muddy. If you don't want the fight to last long then remember these 5 things you should never say during a fight.

Businessmen fighting

1. It was your fault:

If you have an argument with someone and you think you won't escalate the argument, one thing you should never say during an argument is that it was your fault. If you say this, it is doubtful whether the quarrel will ever be resolved. So as much as possible it is better not to cover this sentence in the moment of quarrel.

2. You've made this same mistake before:

If you want to defuse the fight, if possible, don't say that you've made the same mistake before. This will only make your opposite party angrier at you and thus increase the moment of the fight.

3. I don't feel good anymore:

If you get tired of arguing, say that I don't feel like talking to you anymore. I want to get away from you or I want to get rid of it. Then you will see that your opponent will become more angry with you. For this reason, refrain from saying such sentences during quarrels.

4. You are a coward.

If you use phrases like 'cowardly' then your argument may turn into a fight. And fighting is definitely not a very good thing to do. For this reason, never mistakenly use such words as cowards and cowards.

5. Speak well:

No one is right in a fight. Only those with a very cold nature can keep their cool at this moment. Never ask the opponent to speak well in such a tense moment. At this time, if you can convince him coolly or if you can't stand it at all, walk away from him.

Apart from the above points, always keep a cool head in any kind of dispute. Try to solve all problems keeping a cool head. Remember that it is not wise to get into an argument with someone.

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