The Dhaka Times
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While watching the game, Shakib's wife Shishir was a victim of eve-teasing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Shakib's wife was teased by six-seven miscreants in the VIP gallery of Shere Bangla National Stadium. BCB officials and Shakib himself beat up all those scoundrels.


When the first one-day match against India was stopped due to rain, the scoundrels were doing laundry in the BCB office when it was raining outside. The BCB officials took them from the gallery and gave them good treatment. And the world's best all-rounder did not sit on the insult of his wife.

basically the dew When sitting in the gallery to watch the game, the 6-7 youths there started showing obscene gestures towards Shishir. At first Shishir was silent, but later when Shakib came to look for him during the rain, Shishir complained. At that time, when Shakib told the BCB officials the whole matter over the phone, the officials came to the gallery and took the youths to the board office. They were brutally beaten there. At one point, a news media confirmed that an excited Shakib also hit a kill-punch.


However, BCB CEO Nizam Uddin Chowdhury Sujan settled the matter after giving good media. In this regard, he said, now we are busy with the match, but such an incident has happened and it will be taken after the match.

Meanwhile, when asked about the beating of scoundrels in the BCB office, Sujan said, 'It is nothing like that. The matter has been resolved.'

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