Categories: sport

Fredke Neymar's Karate Kick: Murder in Practice

The Dhaka Times Desk Brazil were in high spirits after beating Croatia 3-1 in their first match at the World Cup. And that picture emerged in their practice as a preparation for their upcoming match against Mexico. The lethality of midfielder Fred, striker Neymar and defender Marcelo in practice reminds us of that. But Mexico's goalkeeper, Guillermo Ochoa, made all the difference.

The Brazilians were training with their boots off as the heat was sweltering between practices. They wore socks instead of boots. Fred is trying to open his boot and Neymar comes in and kicks Fred with his left foot.

In the game against Croatia, Neymar leapt into the void to grab a ball inside the goal line.

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Neymar is seen again in Erie, showing his foot magic with a small ball. If the reader looks carefully, he will see that it is not a ball but a ball made of socks.

Then the killing began. Marcelo, Paulinho, Neymar and Fred joined in the murder. Marcelo pulled Fred down by one leg and Neymar pulled him by the other leg. Paulinho grabs Fred's left arm and starts pulling.

In the scorching heat, the Brazilian footballer took off his boots to practice, but Neymar was seen practicing wearing his familiar hat.

Even though they won 3-1 against Croatia, Brazil fans and sports experts are not satisfied with their performance. On top of that, Brazil's 0-0 draw with Mexico! All in all, they were somewhat normal under quite a lot of pressure.

Reference:The Daily Mail

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৫, ২০১৪ 3:23 pm

KA B Tohin

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