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Orange scientific 'super banana' is coming

The Dhaka Times Desk To meet the nutritional needs of millions of people in the African continent, scientists have grown a special type of banana through genetic engineering. According to experts, this banana is absolutely 'super banana' in terms of nutritional value


Every year, millions of people around the world die prematurely due to malnutrition. Its number is highest in African countries. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group of researchers at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia has conducted a research on bananas through which a hybrid banana named Super Banana has been produced.

Australian researchers say that the alpha and beta carotene in this banana will be converted into vitamin A after entering the body. If all goes well, by 2020, production of this banana will begin in full swing in Uganda The experimentally produced 'super banana' has already been shipped to the United States In a six-week experiment on humans, scientists will see how effective this banana really is From the outside, no difference can be seen with the normal banana But after peeling it will have a more orange hue Professor Dale thinks that this color will not be disliked by the locals


Professor James Dale, who led the research team, said: 'Science could change the lives of many people by improving the nutritional quality of other important foods such as the Ugandan banana. We believe our research will work.'

Meanwhile, nutritionists say that bananas have many benefits, including iron minerals and vitamins. As a result, if these vitamins are made more readily available in bananas, it will be possible to meet the nutritional needs of many people.

Meanwhile, analysts say bananas are a staple food in many East African countries. They eat uncooked bananas and eat ripe bananas. However, the nutritional value of those local bananas is very low. On the other hand, many people are dying in these African countries due to lack of nutrition.

For this reason, scientists are transforming local banana varieties into 'super bananas' by making genetic changes And they have already completed the gene engineering required for this

Source: Gizmag

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