The Dhaka Times
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World Cup Tikitaki: Spain's world champion in the first round farewell!

The Dhaka Times Desk One of the big events in this year's World Cup is the farewell of the current champion Spain. Yesterday, they lost 0-2 and confirmed their departure. The World Cup champions lost to Chile.

Spain in the first round bye

Every year when the World Cup starts, some or the other incident happens. But this time no one could have thought that the World Cup champions would leave like this in the first round. It is well known that not all teams perform the same all the time. But no one expected that he would leave in the first round by doing so badly.

Spain lost 1-5 to the Netherlands in the first match of this World Cup. After conceding 5 goals to the Netherlands, many said that Spain might be back in the game in the next match. But that hope was dashed. They conceded 2 goals to Chile in yesterday's match. Couldn't score a goal. No one could have imagined that the reigning World Cup champions would leave like this. This game was held at 1 o'clock last night.

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