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Intentions and prayers for five daily prayers

Prayer is the main worship of Islam

Prayer is the main worship of Islam. It is obligatory or fard for every Muslim to pray 5 waqts (fixed times of prayer) every day. Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam. Prayer is the most important pillar of Islam after shahadah or faith. So it is necessary for everyone to pray properly. Know the intention of five times prayer and prayer in Bengali.


of dawn prayer

2 rakats of Fajr Sunnah prayer intention
In Bengal : (Nawaitu an Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Rakatai Salatil Fajri, Sunnatu Rasulilla-Hi Taala Mutaw Yazjihan Ila Jihatil Ka'batish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

The intention of 2 rakats of Fajr is the obligatory prayer

In Bengal : (Nawaitu an Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Rakyathai Salatil Fajri, Farzullah-Hi Taala Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Ka'batish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

Important Note: In Imamati Karite-ana Imamulliman Hazara and Mayyafzuru with Mutawajjihan should be said and to pray behind the Imam should say (Ektadaitu Biha-Zal Imami Muta Wajjihan…)

Zohar prayer
Zohar prayer is total 12 rakat. The time of Zohar prayer begins when the sun dips slightly from overhead and the time of Zohar ends when the shadow of something doubles.

4 rak'ah sunnah prayer intention of zohr
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Taala Arbaa Rakyat Salatiz Zohri Sunnatu Rasulilla-Hi Tayala Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar. )

The intention of the 4 rak'ahs of Zohar is the obligatory prayer
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Arbaa Rakyat Salatiz Zohari Farzullahi Taalaa Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

Intention of 2 rak'at Sunnah prayers of Zohar
In Bengal : (Nawaitu an Usalliyyah lilla-hi ta’ala rakayatai Salatiz Zohari Sunnati Rasoolilla-hi ta’ala mutawajjihan ila jihatil kabatish sharifati Allahu Akbar.
The intention of 2 rakat Nafal Namaz of Zohar
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Rakyatai Salatil Nafli Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

Asr prayer
Asr prayer is 8 rakat in total. Asr prayer time is from after the shadow of a tree doubles to 15/20 minutes before sunset.
The intention of four rak'ah Sunnah prayers of Asr
In Bengal : (Nawait uan usalliyyah lilla-hi taala arbaa rakayati salatil ashari sunnatu rasulilla-hi taala mutawajjihan ila jihatil kabatish sharifati Allahu Akbar.)
The intention of the four rak'ats of Asr is obligatory prayer
In Bengal : (Nawait anusalliyyah lilla-hi ta'ala arba'a raka'ati salatil ashari farzullah-hi ta'ala mutawajjihan ila jihatil kabatish sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

Maghrib prayer
Maghrib prayer total 07 Rakat. The time of Maghrib prayer is after sunset and the time of Maghrib lasts for a very short time.
Intention of 3 rak'ats of Maghrib obligatory prayer
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Chalacha Rakyat Salatil Maghrib Farzullah-Hi Taala Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

The intention of 2 rak'at sunnah farz prayer of Maghrib
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Rakatai Salatil Maghribi Sunnatu Rasulilla-Hi Tayala Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)
After completing the two rak'ats of Sunnah prayers, two rak'ats of Nafal prayers will be performed.

Isha prayer

4 rak'at sunnah prayer intention of Esha
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Arbaa Rakyat Ishai Sunnatu Rasoolilla-Hi Taala Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

The intention of the four rak'at obligatory prayers of Esha
In Bengal : (Nawait uan usalliyyah lilla-hi taala arbaa rakyat ishai farzullah-hi taala mutawajjihan ila jihatil kabatish sharifati Allahu Akbar.

The two rak'ahs of Esha are the intention of the Sunnah prayer
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Raqayati Salatil Ishai Sunnatu Rasoolilla-Hi Taala Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

The intention of three rak'at cane prayers
In Bengal : (Nawaitu An Usalliyyah Lilla-Hi Taala Chalacha Raqayati Salatil Bitri Wajibullah-Hi Taala Mutawajjihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.)

Tasbih for five times prayer
1. Tasbeeh of Fajr prayer
In Bengal : (Hual Hayyul Qayyum.)-He is Ever-Living and Ever-Persevering.
2. Tasbeeh of Zohar prayer
In Bengal : (Hual Aliyal Azim) - He is the Greatest, the Greatest.
3. Tasbeeh of Asr prayer
In Bengal : (Huar Rahma- Noor Rahim) - He is the Merciful and Merciful.
4. Family tasbeeh after Maghrib prayer
In Bengal : (Hual Ghafurur Rahim) - He is Forgiving and Merciful.
5. Family tasbeeh after Esha prayer
In Bengal : (Hual Latiful Khabir)- He is pure and very careful.

In Bengal : Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. )

In Bengal : (Rabbana a-tina fidduniya hasanaon wafil akhirati hashanataon wakina azabannar. Wa sallallahu-taala ala khairy khalqihi muhammadion wa a-lihi wa achhabihi ajmayin. birahmatika ya arihamar rahimeen.)

B. Dr If someone forgets and is unable to fix the Qibla, then he should pray with his face in the direction in which his conscience gives evidence.

Special thanks to: BasicIslamicKnowledges Blog, BN.wikipedia

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