Categories: Religion

Daily Necessary Prayers [in Bengali]

The Dhaka Times Desk The main condition for acceptance of dua is to ask Allah alone and not to associate anyone with Him. A person who remembers Allah through different prayers every morning and evening, nothing can harm him.

In the light of Quran and Hadith, the importance and significance of daily prayers are many, all the benefits of this time and the hereafter of human life are included in it. The importance of prayer in daily life is immense. Let's know about some prayers in the light of Quran and Hadith.


Prayer to enter the mosque:
In Bengali: (Allah-Hummaf Tahli Abwaba Rahmatika.

Prayer to leave the mosque:
In Bengali: (Alla-humma inni achaluka-min fadlika.

Prayer for wife intercourse:
In Bengali: (Bishmilla-Hi Allah-Humma Jannib-Nash Shaitana wa Jannibish Shaitana Ma Razaqtana.)

Read as soon as you wake up:
In Bengali: (Alhamdu lilla-hillaji ahiyana ba'da ma ama tana wa-ilaihinnasur.

Before entering the toilet recite this dua:
In Bengali: (Allahumma inni auzubika minal khubuche a-l khate.)

Come out of the closet and read:
In Bengali: (Gofra- naka alhamdu hillahillaji azhaba annil aza a a-fa-ni.)

Start by saying Aju Bishmillah and recite this prayer internally
In Bengali: (Allahummagafirli janabi a-a chhay, li fi dira aba-rekali fi Rizkki.

After performing ablution, the Kalima recites this dua after martyrdom:
In Bengali: (Allahummaj alni minattawa-beena aj alni minal motatwahreen.

Meshwak / Teeth cleaning prayer
In Bengali: Allahumma ba- rikli fihe.)

Prayer for wearing clothes
In Bengali: (Alhamdu lillahillaji kachani ma uari bihi awarati a atazammallu bihi fi haya-ti)

Prayer to start the meal
In Bengali: (Bismillah a-ala Barkatillah.)

Prayer to finish the meal
In Bengali: Alhamdu-lilla hillaji atwa amana a- chaqqana a-ja alana minal muslimeen. )

Dua after feasting or eating at someone else's house.
In Bengali: (Allahumma atwaim maan atwaamani wachke maan chakkani.)

Prayer to get out of the house
In Bengali: (Bishmillah Tawak Kaltu Alallah.)

Prayer for boarding the vehicle.
In Bengali:(Alhamdu lillah chobaha-nallaji chakhkhara lana ha-ja ama kunna- lahu mokkarneen a inna ila rabbina lamon -kkalebuna.)

On entering the house one greets everyone and recites the following prayer.
In Bengali: (Allahumma Inni Ash-Aluka Mauleje A Khairal Makhraj.)

Read to start any work.
In Bengali: Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Prayer to say goodbye to someone
In Bengali: (আছতাও দেউল্লা-হা দ্বীনাকা অ আমা-নাতাকা অ- খাওয়া – তীমা আমালিকা।)

Prayer to sleep
In Bengali: (Allahmmua bichmika amutu a-ahiya.)

This post was last modified on মে ১৭, ২০১৮ 3:40 pm

Imrul Haque

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