The Dhaka Times Desk About mobile charging and battery care we follow many rumors from the first day of buying mobile which are really wrong idea. Let's know some misconceptions about mobile battery and their correct aspects.
Charging overnight damages the battery:
There are few people who have not heard this advice. But their mobile phones are smarter than people. When your phone's battery is fully charged, it may automatically stop charging. It's like, if a glass is full of water, can you hold more water? Charge your battery 40% to 80%. You can use the battery for a long time.
You have to charge 7-8 hours after buying a new phone
About 991 TP3T users follow this instruction among mobile phone users in Bangladesh. In many cases, the sellers of the phone say that you should take the phone home and charge it for 7-8 hours. Is it really necessary to give a continuous charge of 7-8 hours? Not at all, because when your phone battery shows full charge it means it doesn't need any more charge. After that, no matter how much you put it on charge, your device does not take any additional charge. Therefore, it is a complete misconception.
It is not okay to use the phone while it is charging
Many people think that using it while charging the phone can cause the battery to explode. This is absolutely wrong. If you are using the phone's original charger or a good quality third party charger, then you have nothing to worry about.
If the battery is not completely discharged, it cannot be charged:
It is better to charge daily rather than charging for a long time at a time. Currently most phones use lithium ion batteries. These batteries become very unbalanced when discharged. Batteries have a fixed number of life cycles. A cycle ends once the charge is empty.
Non-branded chargers damage batteries:
Other branded or non-branded chargers, though not satisfactory, work quite well. But it is better not to use cheap chargers at all. Various studies have shown that although they don't work as well as official chargers, they do work quite well. Therefore, using them will not damage the device. Using the charger in conjunction with the charging input of your battery will not cause any problems.
You never need to turn off your phone:
Your phone may be a device, but it still needs a rest. "To keep your phone performing well, you need to turn it off at times, especially when you go to sleep at night," said an Apple expert. But turn it off at least once a week to preserve your battery life. And once the phone is restarted, the battery life increases quite a bit.