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The new version of Android is coming Android Lollipop

The Dhaka Times Desk Android is constantly updating their operating system. Android 4.4 KitKat version is followed by Android 4.5 or Android 5.0. Today's event is about what the name of this new version of Android can be or what it can bring.


What could be the name of the next version of Android?

One thing to note, however, is that you can also guess what the name of the next version of Android might be. Look at previous versions of Android. Gingerbread's G, Honeycomb starts with H, then Ice Cream Sandwich starts with I, then Jelly's J and now the latest version KitKat's K. So it is understood that the next version of Android with L. Initially, it was thought that the next version of Android could be called Lime Pie or Lime Cheesecake. But according to a recent technology blog, the name of the next version of Android will be Android Lollipop. But in this case another information has been given by the technology blog Techradar. They say that Android 4.5 version will be called Lollipop and Android 5.0 will be called Moonshine.

When will the release of the next version of Android?


Android 4.4 KitKat was released in October 2013. As such, it is expected that Android 4.5 or 5.0 may be released in the middle of this year, but in this case Google IO is more likely. Google's two-day developer conference that will be held in San Francisco. Google's desired conference will be held on 25-26 of this month.

What kind of new features are coming in the new version of Android?


Citing another technology blog, it is known that Google is going to add a new feature called Google Bubble to all the previous features in this new operating system. This new feature is cross platform support service app. This service app will include Google Talk, Hangout, Google Voice, Google Messenger, Google Drive Chat and Google Plus Chat. Google is creating APIs that can be easily integrated with their new Android operating system smartwatches and Google Glass. Many tech experts say that this new version of Google will be a combined effort of Chrome OS and Android.

Reference: TechRadar

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