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'Fix' to solve Android 'data loss'

The Chrome 79 update and associated WebView version didn't actually delete any app data, Senate said

The Dhaka Times Desk Google recently solved the Android 'data loss' problem by bringing a new Chrome fix. Just last week, Chrome browser users complained that the data of certain apps was repeatedly deleted from the device. In the face of that complaint, Google suspended the Chrome browser update 'Chrome 79'. In addition to the update, this company, famous for the US search giant, has recently published a statement. In that statement they apologized for the inconvenience to Chrome users.

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Google recently solved the Android 'data loss' issue by bringing a new Chrome fix. Just last week, Chrome browser users complained that the data of certain apps was repeatedly deleted from the device. In the face of that complaint, Google suspended the update of Chrome browser 'Chrome 79'. In addition to the update, this company, famous for the US search giant, has recently published a statement. In that statement they apologized for the inconvenience to Chrome users. News from media sources.

According to media reports, the Senate said that Chrome 79 update and related WebView versions did not actually delete any app data. After the Chrome 79 update, several apps lost access to older data. Due to which things like pre-saved games, in-game bonuses started causing problems on users' devices.

The news media also said that many programming interfaces were affected due to the problem in Chrome. Such interfaces include AppCache, File System, Local Storage, Index DB, WebSQL, etc. Many developers used to store data in interfaces through browsers.

The Senate said in the report that the number of affected users is less than the initial estimate. In time, Google suspended the update that caused the problem. Overall, less than 15 percent of Android users received the update.

But there is no doubt that the whole thing has given the tech world a big shake up. Currently billions of people around the world are dependent on these apps. So even if there is a small problem in an app, the number of victims is in crores.

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