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Android users need to know some codes

The most advanced item in the technological age is the mobile phone

The Dhaka Times Desk There are some important codes that are very important for Android users to know. Know some important codes for Android users today.

The most advanced item in this technological age is the mobile phone. In Bangladesh, the number of mobile phone usage has increased in a very short period of time. And among these mobiles, especially Android sets are being used more. But many of us don't know that Android phone has some important number codes, through which you can do the useful tasks of your mobile very easily. Today we will give an idea about these important codes.

Know those codes:

For all information about # software and hardware: *#12580*369#

# mobile IMEI number code is: *#06#

The code for # factory reset setting is: #*#7780#*#

For all information about # camera: #*#34971539#*#

To know the memory version of # RAM: #*#3264#*#

To activate # voice dial mode: #*#8351#*#

# Mobile Basic Information: #*#4636#*#

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