The Dhaka Times
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Why should not marry late?

The Dhaka Times Desk Most men and women these days are in favor of late marriage. Because they are more aware of their career. Moreover, women want freedom in family life. Which is possible only by building a good career. But many people don't think about the negative aspects of getting married late. There are some downsides to getting married late.


1. Physical causes

If marriage is done late then some physical problems may arise for both men and women. Such as not having proper sexual intercourse, not having children, miscarriage etc. Because our human body is a complex process. So both men and women should marry before the age of 30. Normally a woman should get married between 25 and a man should get married between 30.

2. Social factors

As the girl is getting old, it is a little visible in the eyes of the society, but it is also very complicated to find a suitable vessel for a girl who is a little older. Nowadays most of the girls pursue higher education and enter career and then think of marriage. But one thing is that when boys go to marry, they look for girls of a little younger age. As a result, women have to face problems.

3. family reasons

The responsibility of a family after marriage is to raise children. If parents get married at an older age, they cannot provide enough services to their children. Because they soon become very old and cannot properly serve the children during their lifetime. For this reason, you should get married soon.

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