The Dhaka Times
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How do you know if someone is lying to you?

The Dhaka Times Desk People lie out of necessity or out of necessity. Maybe it was found that someone is constantly lying to you, which you don't even understand. However, there are some things that you can look out for to know if someone is trying to lie to you. Let's find out how you can understand if someone is lying to you?


1. Someone who's lying to you won't look you directly in the eye, or look you so often that you find it awkward. When lying, people usually do not look the person being lied to in the eyes. Looks down or around. Because they think, just by looking at their eyes, you will know that they are lying.

2. People who lie are often confused about dichotomous questions. In all these cases, if any question is asked to them, they ask the opposite question.

3. When lying, a different situation is created inside people to deal with this situation, they fold their arms to their chest, or put their hands in their pockets. There are many who blink frequently, twiddle their fingers, touch their hair or nose, or make unusual movements with an object close at hand while lying.


4. Liars usually try to make things too long. The words that can be finished in two lines are stretched to ten and twenty lines. Makes up his stories, starts talking more. Because their ideas, if you describe them more, they will be more believable to you.

5. We often have no control over our facial expressions. When talking to someone, pay attention to their facial expressions. Usually these facial expressions are for a very short time. Hence these are called microexpressions. Maybe a slight smile line, or a scared look that lasts 2-3 seconds. These are often not read by our eyes even if you look at someone's face while speaking. But our subconscious mind warns us.

6. If you suspect someone is lying to you, question them. Keep asking the same question over and over again. And try to match the previous words with the current words or not? Encourage the speaker to be as detailed as possible. Because if the liar tries to tell the same story the next day, you will surely find many new things in the story, or many lines will be lost which he told the day before.

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