The Dhaka Times
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The main step of good friendship

The Dhaka Times Desk We all want a good friend, but what are the qualities one must possess to make oneself a good friend? To make yourself a good friend you need to acquire the following qualities first.


Trustworthiness, reliability and honesty: A true friend is built on trust and reliability. To make yourself a good friend, you must prove yourself honestly. Must be acceptable to others, must prove trustworthiness and reliability by one's words and actions, must try to keep one's word.

Become a good listener yourself: One of the prerequisites of a friend is to make yourself a good listener, listen to what a friend has to say about a good friend and give him thoughtful advice.


Be by the side of a friend in danger: If a friend is in danger, give emotional support and, if possible, financial help and creative advice.

Learning to apologize and forgive: Everyone makes mistakes in life, so if you make a mistake, simply apologize without hesitation. A sorry can solve a lot of problems, and if someone apologizes after doing something wrong, he should try to forgive.


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