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How to improve mother-in-law relationship: The mother-in-law episode

The Dhaka Times Desk One of the problems of all families in Bangladesh is psychological war with wife and mother-in-law behind or in front. Although the wife and mother-in-law have to live together in the same house through equality, and here if the relationship is hostile instead of harmony, then instead of happiness in the world, the arena of chaos is built.


If you want happiness in your world, everyone must be in harmony with the concession mentality. However, even if many people want to, due to the situation and background, they cannot or cannot understand exactly how the mother-in-law or wife will make the relationship with each other beautiful. Let's take a look at some tips that you may find useful.

What you should do as a mother-in-law

If you are a mother-in-law, you have a lot of responsibilities. Your grandmother is much younger than you. Your grandmother has nothing to do with your experience either. After learning everything about the family from you, your grandmother will take care of your family. Remember that your well-tended home can become more beautiful and prosperous in the hands of your grandmother. However But you have to help Bauma to manage the family. You have to slowly convince Bauma, make her up.

You don't think of mother-in-law as mother-in-law, son-in-law Think of your daughter. Imagine that one day you also left your father's house and came to your husband's house. How many mental problems you have suffered only you know. But why do you let all my problems and struggles to your grandmother?

with grandma Friendly relationship like friends Build a relationship in which your son's wife will respect you and you will give her love and affection.

own son Begin to think of the grandmother as a part of the son. If your son's wife is not mentally well, your son will not be happy either. Surely you always want the fountain of happiness in the world to flow the fountain of happiness that you have raised with your whole life? So of course, if the boy and the wife are disappointed, ask him, mother, your problem? Try to know his mental side.

of your world Share all the important things with your son's wife. Also share what decision you made in any situation with bauma, this will make your son's bauma trust you and his relationship with you will be much better.

There are many mothers who Son's bride is a competitor do This is very emotional. Many people think that a person will suddenly come to my family and put his nose in everything, I don't want that. This is the problem. Just think, your son's wife will control your family in your absence. Help him to understand all the responsibilities of the world. You won't be around forever. Your grandmother will carry on your legacy to the next generation. If you establish yourself as a bad person to your grandmother, your future generations will know you as such.

After all, you as the mother-in-law are the biggest in the family, you in everything tolerant must be Understand why someone is treating you like that. Let the boy and the boy's bride spend time together, don't stand between them, a beautiful sweet relationship can make a family heaven. How long will we live? How many days I live, I live happily and peacefully with everyone. Give Grandma the respect of your daughter - Grandma will definitely give you the respect of a mother.

Coming up in our next episode is how to maintain a relationship with your mother-in-law when you become a Lakshmi Bouma. Till then keep an eye on The Dhaka Tums and keep yourself updated about all the lifestyle.

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