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Group-G: USA 0- Germany 1 & Portugal 2- Ghana 1 [Full Time]

The Dhaka Times Desk Portugal vs Ghana and USA vs Germany in the final group stage matches at the World Cup today. No team from this G group has yet confirmed the second round.


There is no way for Portugal to win today. They are at the bottom of the points table, trailing by one point on goal difference. Cristiano Ronaldo's measured cross kept Portugal alive in the last match, but Ronaldo needs to do better. Portugal has become a team dependent on Ronaldo. Knowing this, he must lead from the front today. Portugal will not only have to win against Ghana, they will have to win by a big margin and pray that someone loses in the Germany vs USA match.


The other match pits America against Germany. However, if America wins against Germany, even if they draw, they will go directly to the knockout stage. Meanwhile, the hope for the Americans is that even if they lose, they can go to the knockout stage. The equation then would be, if the USA loses to Germany and if Ghana loses to Portugal, the USA will still go to the knockout stage. And even if they lose, the three-time world champions will have a chance. But it depends on the other match. If the Portugal-Ghana match is a draw, Germany will play in the next round even if they lose.

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