The Dhaka Times
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For all these reasons there is no harm in fasting

The Dhaka Times Desk Fasting in Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. The place of fasting is after faith, prayer and zakat. The Arabic word for fasting is Sawm. The literal meaning of which is to abstain. However, there are some rules in fasting which are sometimes broken by mistake but do not harm fasting.


Let's find out why your holy fast will not be ruined.

- Eating and drinking by mistake.
- Using perfumes or smelling flowers etc.
- Spitting in your mouth.
- Using oil, cream, lotion etc. on head, body or face.
- Bathing for cold.
- Dreaming in sleep.
– To miswalk.
- Involuntary vomiting.
– Using eye drops, ointments or drops (if necessary).
- Taking injections (if necessary).
- If mosquitoes, flies, smoke or dust enter the throat unintentionally.
- In case of inadvertent water in the stomach while doing Kuli.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The dua of three types of persons are not rejected - 1) The dua of a father, 2) The dua of a fasting person, 3) The prayer of a traveler."

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