Categories: fashion

Things to keep in mind while making a suit

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone knows that there is no substitute for a suit to bring elegance to the outfit. Indeed, the suit is now considered a symbol of nobility. But there are certain points in the case of suits which if not followed can ruin the entire suit. So in making a suit, you must pay attention to some things.

Avoid ready-made suits

If you are using ready-made suits, I would suggest you to avoid using ready-made suits. Make the perfect suit for your body and use it. A ready-made suit may not fit you perfectly, no matter how well it fits you.

Suit pants shall not have pleats

Keep this in mind. Like normal formal pants but suit pants do not have pleats. Suit pants must be without pleats. Instead of pleats or pleats like normal formal pants, make flat pants with no pleats at all.

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Make a two-button suit

No matter what your body type is, whether you are tall or short, a two-button suit will suit you. This is actually a standard style for suits. So keep this in mind while making the suit.

Choose the appropriate color

Choose the color that suits you from those colors that suit you. Ash, black, grey, white etc. suit fabric will suit. One thing to note is that the color of the suit fabric should not be too bright and should match your skin tone.

Check the correct hand size

The sleeve of the suit will not go below your wrist. This problem is more in case of readymade suits. The correct sleeve size for a suit is slightly shorter than your shirt sleeve size, which is usually above the wrist.

Tailor the suit to your body size

Tailor the suit to your body size so that it fits your body. Pay attention to shoulder size, arm size, chest size, right size length etc.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১১, ২০১৪ 4:31 pm

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