The Dhaka Times
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Women of Bangladesh have sleep problems!

The Dhaka Times Desk Most women over fifty in Bangladesh have sleep problems. This information is known through a survey of the World Health Organization. In most women, the cause of these sleep problems is depression and anxiety. About 44,000 women around the world participated in this World Health Organization survey.

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This survey started in 2012. About 44,000 people over the age of fifty participated in this survey conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization About 43.9 percent of Bangladeshi women who participated in the survey were found to have sleep problems That is, the number of women suffering from sleep related problems in the developed world is almost double in Bangladesh. However, the number of sleep problems among men in Bangladesh is almost half that of women 23.6 percent in number Because depression and anxiety are two of the most common causes of sleep problems The survey revealed that these two factors work more for the people of Bangladesh Although there are many studies on sleep problems in the developed world, this is the first study on the problem in the developing world Among the eight countries, women in Bangladesh had the highest number of sleep problems And in terms of men, Bangladesh is in the third place

The study was jointly conducted by the University of Warwick in England and two institutions in Ghana and South Africa in collaboration with the United Nations World Health Organization. 24,434 women and 19,501 men from rural areas of Bangladesh, Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, India, Vietnam and Indonesia and urban Kenya participated in the survey.

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