The Dhaka Times
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Dhumrjal with surcharge for mobile usage

The Dhaka Times Desk The budget for the financial year 2014-15 has already been passed by the parliament. In this year's budget, a surcharge has been imposed on mobile usage. But there is nothing about how this surcharge will be deducted. Due to which a smoke network has been created.


In the last few days, various media are writing about this. No one can say how the surcharge will be levied on mobile phone usage. Even the Department of Telecommunications is in the dark about this. Mobile phone operators and set importers also had no idea about it. Along with the users, they are also trying to get information about it.

The issue is so unclear that this surcharge will be deducted from the customers at the time of mobile phone recharge? It will be levied in case of per minute calls, should I pay this surcharge even if I go to buy a set? Such questions have accumulated in everyone's mind.

Secretary of Post and Telecommunication Department. Abu Bakr Siddique told the media about this, 'We do not know anything clear about the matter. It will be decided by the finance ministry and the National Board of Revenue and they will inform us.' However, he expressed hope that everything will be clear within this week.

It may be noted that in the budget of the fiscal year 2014-15, the government imposed a surcharge to collect money from the people for a specific sector. This confusion has arisen because nothing has been said about how this surcharge will be deducted on mobile usage.

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