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Neymar's World Cup mission ends [Photos & Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Kandary Neymar of Brazil's World Cup mission was ruled out of the World Cup with a serious back injury due to a terrible foul by a Colombian player. FIFA has confirmed that Neymar will not be able to play any more matches after this World Cup.


During the quarter-final match with Colombia on Friday, a Colombian player hit Neymar on the back along the vertebra. The matter escaped the referee's attention, but if Neymar immediately fell on the field and was injured, teammate Marcelo and others brought the matter to the referee's attention, and Neymar was taken out of the field. Neymar was later taken to a local hospital.



Meanwhile, Brazil team doctor Rodrigo Lasmar said that Neymar suffered a serious injury to the spinal vertebrae.
However, Neymar's injury is not serious enough to require surgery. But for Neymar, this World Cup mission is over, as Neymar will need a few more weeks to recover from his vertebrae, during which time Neymar will have to watch the game from the sidelines of the Brazil team.


Brazil team medical official Lasmar said, unfortunately, Neymar will not be able to play in this World Cup. Meanwhile, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff expressed regret at the news of Neymar's illness in a tweet, saying, "Like other Brazilians, I wish for Neymar's recovery."


On the other hand, Neymar's absence from the World Cup due to illness has worried his colleagues. Among them, Halk said, it is very sad. No one expected that.


It should be noted that Brazil's dream of winning the World Cup for the sixth time in this World Cup was woven around Neymar. Neymar was also playing brilliantly, before a Chilean player intentionally fouled Neymar in the last match of the World Cup group stage. Thus, fouling big players on the field of play and escaping the referee's attention can have dire consequences for high-profile players at the World Cup. Because all the great forwards of many countries are fighting on the field in this World Cup now that the cup has arrived, the world is waiting to see how safe they will play in the next matches.

formula- fifa

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