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Because of all the reasons a person can die prematurely!

The Dhaka Times DeskDeath is a natural consequence of human beings. Everyone has to take it at some point. Natural old age death is acceptable but abnormal or accidental death is never acceptable. Let's find out some of the habits that increase the risk of death that should be avoided now.

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Drink extra coffee

There are some benefits of drinking coffee. But drinking too much coffee can cause many health problems. And as a result of this, many people die quickly. A recently published study found that those under the age of 55 who drank four or more cups of coffee a day or more than 28 cups of coffee a week had a higher risk. According to the statistics, the premature death rate of such people can increase up to 56 percent. The reason for this is that coffee increases blood pressure. In addition, the increased production of epinephrine and the cessation of insulin action increase the risk of death.

Taking sleeping pills

Many people have problems like insomnia. And to solve this problem they chose sleeping pills. And an association with early death has been found with sleeping pills. It has been found that people who take sleeping pills are five times more likely to die prematurely. And even if the dose of this drug is very small, the possibility of death is not excluded. The rate can be 4 to 48 pills a year, but the risk is not reduced. And this risk is 3.6 times more for them.

The Dhaka Times

Eating too much salt

If you have a habit of eating fast food and processed food, stop it quickly. They contain extra sodium in addition to fat. The Texas Medical Association warns that eating too much salt can kill you. Excess salt can lead to kidney stones and hypertension. And hypertension can cause stroke and heart attack. People with hypertension should consume less than 1,500 milligrams of salt per day. But you will not be able to maintain this level by eating first food. Because a McDonald's burger often contains 1100 mg of salt. As a result, this level increases significantly after taking salt from other foods.



People who live alone die sooner than others. However, this matter is more applicable to people aged 52 years and above. A British study conducted a survey of 6,500 people and found this result. Elderly lonely people are at higher risk of mental problems and heart disease than others.

Excessive sitting

If you have a habit of sitting in an extra chair it can lead to premature death. University of Leicester research has shown that sitting in a chair for long periods of time can lead to many physical problems. It increases the chances of diabetes and heart disease. An Australian study found that those who spent 11 hours a day or more sitting in a chair had a 40 percent higher average rate of premature death.



If there is excess stress at work it causes death. A study by University College London found that people in stressful jobs were 23 percent more likely to have a heart attack than normal people. Also, those who work more than 11 hours a day are more likely to suffer from depression. And thus the possibility of death increases.

Sexual relaxation

Not having proper sex also increases the mortality rate. On the other hand, those who have regular sex, are likely to have an increased life span. Studies have shown that regular sex increases blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and keeps cholesterol levels in check. Apart from this, sex helps people to keep their weight down. A Duke University study found that women who have regular sex add an average of eight years to their lives. And those who do not have regular sex, their premature death rate increases by 50 percent.

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